Living The Slash Life | My 2020 Resolution


Wow it’s here. A website refresh, a procrastinated release and a perfectionists nightmare. Yup. Thats me. It is December 2019 and we have just 20 more days until it is a NEW DECADE, and of course I am like most IN MY HEAD. Since my trip in France - Yes, I have France recaps coming on the blog! I have been in evaluation mode, really thinking about the last 10 years of my life and what I want the next 10 to be like. So here it is, I have decided to live the SLASH LIFE.

In a business world that tells us to niche down, I have decided to do it all! Honestly this is who I am. I am a Wife/mom/daughter/friend/blogger/stylist/singer/writer/creative….. I think over the last 10 years I have been trying to choose and in 2019 I have privately embraced all my talents, abilities and roles. I would have to say that 2019 has been my most peaceful year. I have truly done what I wanted to do, traveled where I wanted to travel, dressed how I felt and created what was loud in my heart. I believe along the way, the Lord has truly given me confidence in ME.

So through out 2020, there WILL be many launches, many series, many videos, many posts and many moments where I am just living a YES out loud. My resolution this year is to DO and be loud and confident about every DO STEP I take. So welcome to the place where you will be able to follow my yes journey, my blog.

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